The tribe of people by the mountain side.
The food and clothing of the kikuyu...

kikuyu types of clothing.
The kikuyu have different types of clothing for different age sets,the clothing are vary from the young to the old.
Children in the traditional kikuyu tribe wear skins around their waist, the are normaly wear no cloth on their upper body.
men also wear skins on their waist and walk bare chested but during the cold seasons, the cover themselves upto the knees with shukas.
women in the kikuyu tribe normaly have their whole bodies covered with a shuka that is tied on their left shoulder and extends all the way to their ankles. the also wear earings, necklaces,bracelets and anklets that are made from multy-colored beads and cowrie shells.
kikuyu food and delicacies.
In most homes Kikuyu homes, typical traditional Kikuyu food includes githeri (maize and beans), mukimo (mashed green peas and potatoes), irio (mashed dry beans, corn and potatoes), roast goat, beef, chicken and cooked green vegetables such as collards, spinach and carrots.
trditionaly, the kikuyu prepare and cook their food in earthen or clay pots,the food is served in wooden plates. the kikuyu use three stones put together and firewood to make fire to cook their foodd.
kikuyus mainly plant their own food in their gardens (shambas) or their do batter trade with their neighbours E.g the Maasai.