The tribe of people by the mountain side.
Regions of the kikuyu, ceremonies & their beliefs and values
kikuyu regions
The Kikuyu are known to mainly stay in the Central highlands of south-central Kenya (Central Province), they traditionally are from the Nyandarua (Aberdare) Range and foothills of Kirinyaga (Mount Kenya).
Other major locations where they live include :-Timau, Nanyuki and Naro Moru to the northwest of Mount Kenya, and Nyeri, Murang'a and Kerugoya to the southwest.
beliefs and values of the kikuyu.
Kikuyus traditionally worshipped a single god, Ngai, who was known as the provider and lived at the top of the mountain. Kikuyus believed it was their traditional god who started the Kikuyu tribe by putting on earth a man and woman named Kikuyu and Mumbi. The couple had nine daughters who later married and brought the Kikuyu tribe to life. Traditional rituals and prayers were help while facing the mountain for they believed they were facing god.
kikuyu ceremonies.
The kikuyus have various ceremonies such as birth, naming, circumcision, marriage, cleansing and death respectively. The ceremonies are all celebrated with joy except for death ceremony and they believed that these ceremonies symbolized the rights of passage.